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Nurturing creative and curious minds
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A commitment to innovation

At César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, we prioritize innovation in all aspects of our curriculum and ground ourselves in research through the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Our intentional integration of innovative teaching methods help nurture your creativity and critical thinking skills and empower you to think beyond what is possible.

Experiential learning is a critical component of this commitment to an innovative, quality education for our students.  Through real-life simulations, industry consulting projects, and coaching by industry leaders, you have ample opportunities to test models and theories, innovate new solutions, and sharpen your knowledge and skills—transforming you into dynamic leaders of tomorrow. 

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We teach innovation through real-life learning

  • Simulations and experiences with industry-leading companies  
  • Real-life case studies 
  • Site visits to sustainable and innovative concepts such as the Igloo Hotel 
  • In-class challenges such as The Virtual Investment Challenge 
  • Relevant courses such as “From Creativity to Entrepreneurship” 
Teaching innovation
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We uphold responsible practices 

Every innovative idea must consider the wider environmental and social impact. That’s why our commitment to sustainability is upheld and promoted throughout our curriculum. Students are encouraged to create innovative solutions with sustainable practices at heart, such as reinventing student transportation on campus. 

responsible practices
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We promote diversity and inclusion 

We believe the best ideas emerge when people of diverse backgrounds and experiences come together. With over 40 nationalities represented on campus, our students learn how to work together in multicultural teams and become inclusive leaders who embrace diversity. 

Promoting diversity
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How we foster innovation on campus
Innovation Week
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For one dedicated week, work as a team to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems, then pitch your proposed solutions to a panel of experts. 

Innovation Week
Innovation Club
Short description

Founded in 2021, the ORBIS Innovation Club provides on-campus resources and facilities for you to collaborate on creative projects.  

Innovation module

In this module, you’ll learn about the processes and the value of decision-making from an ethical perspective. You’ll come to understand the influence of technology and modern communication on management. It will prepare you for managing team dynamics and to grasp the need for innovation creation for business sustainability. 

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A Proud Member of Green Globe
<p>Our mission as a higher education institution is to shape future generations and to lead by example. Sustainability is essential for the future of hospitality, and we are proud to be an official member of Green Globe, the highest standard for sustainability worldwide. César Ritz Colleges Switzerland (Le Bouveret campus) became a Green Globe certified member in 2021. With this recognition, we aim to provide world-class education in hospitality and business, while managing our impact on the environment and teaching our students sustainability best practices they bring with them into their future careers.</p>

Sustainable Management
<p>We are committed to developing standard procedures to:</p>

<li>Ensure staff development through continuous training</li>
<li>Measure customer satisfaction</li>
<li>Provide students with world-class education in hospitality and business</li>
<li>Ensure legal compliance in all of our business operations</li>

Social and Economic Sustainability
<p>We engage in the local community and uphold our cultural heritage by:</p>

<li>Working with local businesses</li>
<li>Hiring locally</li>
<li>Using fair trade products</li>
<li>Providing employee protection</li>
<li>Implementing a code of conduct for staff and students</li>
<li>Preserving the unique historical aspects of the original architecture</li>
<li>Developing the curriculum in partnership with local producers</li>

Environmental Sustainability
<p>To reduce waste, we've integrated the following up-cycling and recycling practices:</p>

<li>Establishing a purchasing policy, including consumable goods</li>
<li>Reducing energy, water, greenhouse, and gas emissions</li>
<li>Implementing a comprehensive waste management procedure to plan</li>
<li>Preserving nature in and around campus</li>